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Client of the month – Kevin Kelly

This month the award goes to Kevin Kelly…the first acknowledgement since the lockdown was lifted.

After a tough few months earlier in the year (for everyone) Kevin has come back and wasted no time in correcting any setbacks from lockdown.

It’s worth mentioning Kevin has been recognised as COM previous to this, so he already what it takes to get to where he wanted to be.

His main focus on returning to Bodypro was to regain a good level of fitness and lose any excess weight gained during an inactive period and repeated trips to the fridge.

Since returning to a bit of normality, between the start of August and the end of September, Kevin has lost 13lbs and is now at a weight he feels he is comfortable with and maintainable.

Kevin has achieved this through portion control (tracking calorie intake) and a consistent weekly training routine.

He currently does two resistance sessions a week at Bodypro where we focus on a basic Push/Pull split. He also is a keen cyclist and will regularly go out for a big ride once a week, and with any other spare time he plans in testing walks in the lake district and peak district regions. This is all alongside a working week.

Kevin is a student of the industry and looks to educate himself on nutrition and different training modalities regularly.

Well done Kevin…again!

Keep up the good work

Kev fact file:

  1. Who do you train with at Bodypro? Craig

  2. Whats you favourite exercise? The Rower..

  3. How did you hear about us? Word of mouth

  4. Would you recommend Bodypro and why? Yes, it gives you the knowledge and understanding on how to maintain results and balance that with real life..

Bodypro Team


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