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Steve & Faye White Client of the Season Winter 2014/15


Steve:- Age – 47 Occupation – Company Director Goals – Improve fitness, Lose weight, Improve upper body strength to combat Back pain. Faye:- Age – 48 Occupation – Company Director Goals – Improve general fitness, Improve flexibility, lose weight, Improve muscle tone Steve and Faye came to us back in April last year with the goals set out above. The first major barrier pointed out to Steve was his eating habits. Steve could quite easily get through 20-30 cups of tea a day in and around the office and being a massive chocolate fan it was easy to see he needed to break some bad habits. Faye on the other hand, already had her nutrition pretty much sorted it was more the case of introducing functional exercises and expanding her exercise knowledge. Upon discussing day to day duties at work it was clear to see the majority of the day was spent seated at a computer desk. Steve was quick to point out he struggled with back pain and visibly quite a poor posture. Overall flexibility in both Steve and Faye was particularly poor when starting their training. Steve has massively changed his eating habits over the last 9 months, snacking less on chocolate and crisps and eating more nutritious meals including breakfast!! He also has tried to cut down on his cups of tea and drink more water which he never used to drink. Faye has come on really well with her training. She recently completed the Cooper Test running the whole 12 minutes which is a great achievement considering it wasn’t attempted on her initial testing session. Current Exercise Involvement:- Steve and Faye currently do 2-3 sessions week @ Bodypro. Faye also takes part in a Zumba class. Well done on your achievements so far. The Bodypro Team! StatsSteve – 10/4/2014Steve – 17/12/2014Faye – 10/4/2014Faye – 17/12/2014Weight13.1.4st12.5.8st7.6.0st7.3.2stBody fat %32.18%28%Circumferences: Waist Chest Arms 95cm 98cm 29cm 83.5cm 93cm 27cm 69cm 78cm 26cm 62.5cm 77cm 23cmRHR60bpm52bpm57bpm54bpmStep Test Max Rec 156bpm 101bpm 143bpm 85bpm Did not complete 147 107Plank1min 19sec3min42sec1min 43secPU Test 1min SU Test 1minDid not do (injury) Did not do (injury)26 37 (on Bosu)Did not complete 2538 38Cooper Test1880m2350mCould Not Do1570mO’Neill Test873m975m544m646mMMP Test173 watts222 watts73 watts95 watts


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