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What are the benefits of using a foam roller?

Foam rollers help to stretch muscles and tendons and breaks down soft tissue adhesions and scar tissue. Simple exercises that utilize your own body weight with a cylindrical foam roller allow you to perform a self-massage, or myofascial release, break up trigger points, and soothe tight fascia and also helps to stimulate blood flow and circulation to the soft tissues. The myofascia is made up of several components including the superficial fascia, which is a soft connective tissue located just below the skin that wraps and connects the muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels of the body. Together, muscle and fascia make up what is called the myofascia system. Myofascial release is a technique that utilizes gentle but constant pressure on the soft tissue while applying traction to the fascia. This technique helps to soften and lengthen the fascia resulting in the breakdown of scar tissue and adhesions between the skin, muscles and bone. This technique has been shown to relieve pain from shin splints and IT band syndrome as well as improve flexibility and the joints range of motion. Using foam rollers for self massage is an inexpensive method of achieving these benefits and with some experimentation you can find the best method for you to gain maximum effectiveness in the target areas. The newest style of foam roller, the Grid Foam Roller, has a unique design that allows for a more targeted trigger point self massage. Trigger points are tiny knots that can develop in muscles when they are injured or overworked. They may cause local pain, headaches, neck and jaw pain, tennis elbow, and even carpal tunnel syndrome. Breaking down and loosening these trigger points with the Grid Foam Roller may help to relieve this pain and discomfort. In summary, foam rollers, in whatever format, are an essential package to add to your training programme to ensure you are in the best physical condition to exercise and perform at your best. For more advice on foam rolling or specific techniques book a consultation with us or for regular clients speak to your trainer. You can buy your foam rollers here at Bodypro for £17.50


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